Dear Rachel,
For over a decade and a half, I have known my friend Rachel since our high school days. Though she was part of Cornerstone, somehow she became involved with us at Cameron House too. Since then, our friendship grew with random laughs and jokes from memories of Tahoe, celebrating New Years with apple cider, and just having a neighbor in the Sunset.
What I really wanted to highlight is Rachel’s unconditional kindness and creativity. I don’t remember how it started, but one year I got a handmade birthday card from Rachel. It was high school and I didn’t really appreciate the amount of effort that goes into these things. Then the next year I got another. And then another, and then another. For year after year, Rachel made a homemade birthday card.
Though I haven’t connected with Rachel for years since I left for Oregon (minus that time I randomly ran into you at Hot Pot), she had surprised me with my first Rachel birthday card in Oregon this week. I’ve never really known how to repay Rachel, as my creative works is more in visual storytelling… so because of that, here is a post dedicated to you my friend (and the photos accompanying it). Thank you for the laughs, the friendship, your continued thoughtfulness, and the same hate for Dodgers. Love and appreciate you my friend.