
In 2005, I used a tiny Canon point and shoot camera with horrible image quality to shoot and edit a short video project for my marine biology class. It got laughs. That was infectious. I then created more videos on my clunky square Dell laptop for my history class where we went around asking people to sign a form to “End Women’s Suffrage” (as a parody to The Man Show’s version). That got even more laughs. Soon, the creative bug bit.

What went from a fun little school project, creating mini documentaries of a local pho restaurant, a PSA to get underage high schoolers to vote, a yearbook ad, and Dragonboat highlights, became thousands of dollars invested into better video equipment, lights, computers, editing software, and eventually a full undergrad education at the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco for a degree in motion pictures & television with a focus in editing.

In 2011, I had the opportunity to work with director Evan Jackson Leong on his documentary film, Linsanity, featuring NBA star Jeremy Lin. A year later, Linsaity happened in New York City, and I was given another chance to get hands on experience. In 2013, I submitted a spoken word poetry video about my father and won the grand prize of $10,000 and a flight to New York for the Thanksgiving parade. I was happy to be able to gift those tickets to my parents. From 2015 — 2017, I was fortunate to partner with the Angel Island Foundation and work with a group of youth to document five immigration stories into America. One of those stories; was about my grandfather, mom, and uncle. The documentaries were featured at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.

Nowadays, I don’t create as many videos as I once did, but when I have the chance, I’ll create something small for friends and family to enjoy. Documentary filmmaking and storytelling is still a strong passion of mine, and I hope to continue capturing stories. Until then, I offer lessons in shooting and editing to those that are curious.