Dear 20 year old me,
Dear 20 year old me,
In 2010, you were mostly still a teenager at 19, a college drop out, wandering life without a plan, unmindful towards relationships, and just cared for yourself and your own joys. You were so angry, heartless, and careless... but also you had the qualities of humor, curiosity, and a positive outlook towards the future.
In the next 10 years you will go through many life challenges, many toxic relationships which you played a part in causing, and many opportunities and decisions you gave up due to the fear of trying new things and leaving your comfort zone.
If I could have told you then, I would have told you to keep trying new things. Explore the world, and never become comfortable in your own skin or your environment. Do not always follow the crowd and nor allow those around you to influence you too far. Don’t rush into what you feel is expected of you in life, there’s no shame going at your own pace.
In the same breath, with every relationship and interaction you have: Embrace and learn from them. There will be many times where you have important relationships and friendships in your life that go sideways, but do not feel like you always need to please everyone.
Do not be stubborn: learn to apologize, admit your mistakes, and make amends. It is not your job to make sure they forgive you, but that you only control what you can, which is your own life and emotions. Your circles will grow smaller, but with those relationships, will grow much stronger.
Stay creative. Stay curious. Stay hungry. Stay humble. Stay being you. It’ll be alright.
With love,
30 year old you
P.S. put $1000 down on the Warriors in 2015, and invest as much as you can into Tesla and Zoom