Unconditional Love: Father

Who knew 22 years ago, I'd be where I am today

Life's crooked path had led me all sorts of ways

Through all the highlights and bad nights

one man was always there

He told me "sit tight son don't you ever fear"

The love unconditional, yet times, situational.

Growing up in the house that he built with his work.

Appreciated through the years,

but I'd never put him first.

Friends over family, that's the path I ran.

Still a little boy, yet to become a man.

Started small fights, made me Galaxies apart from them

The rebel life, it was just the start, I was only ten

My father worked two jobs to pay for my family.

The life growing up, selfish thoughts, I only cared for me.

Hit me like a brick, strikes truth, the reality.

He's growing old, father time wants a tragedy.

News hits, that the reapers tryna to take my Dad from me.

No.I'm too damn old

To let my childish ways, let my stubbornness hold

But.I never let my love show.

When day in and day out, he does his best role.

Heavy weight on my soul

Want to do so much with him, before he ever goes.

Though, I can never say it.

I tell myself to try hard before he doesn't make it.

I deeply love my father, and that's the bare truth of it.

I want to go back and take away the argument

That placed me in the dark, are you afraid? Yes quite a bit.

Even though I act like I won't need him,

Truth is, my father is the most important person to me,

none can beat him

Until that day I can express how I feel.

I'll keep swallowing my pride, and eat this guilt pill.

 I want everyone to find the person that means the most to you.

Have a conversation, about your life, or even their own life review.

In hopes to spark the love 

you.Yourself only knew. 

And these feelings of unconditional love could be renewed.

Hopefully one day my father could be the one I could relay this message to

Until then,I hope you, too, could connect with my point of view. 

Thank you.

This was written as part of my “Poetry for the People” class at City College of San Francisco. I had entered this spoken word video for the “Futures without Violence: Respect Challenge” in 2013 where I won the grand prize of $10,000 to be donated to a non-profit of my choice. I was also given two tickets to New York City and VIP tickets to the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, I was able to gift these tickets to my parents. Grateful for the opportunity that was all inspired by the man who was half of my birth.

Happy birthday dad.


My Shang-Chi Bias


Dear Nat,