
Back in 2014, after 26 years at the same company, my dad and mom retired. On their last day, I went to their office, the same office I spent damn year my whole childhood at, to record the moments. I kept it on ice for the last 7 years, only to open it as I was looking through People Project stuff. As I’ve shared about People Project before, on that day my parents retired, was the same day I got my very first photo. If I didn’t film my parents this day, there probably wouldn’t have been a photo project that I fell in love with. Looking at the footage and the interview, felt like a time capsule, I didn’t remember anything said. One thing that stuck out: our late family dog, Cyrus.

It’s a surreal feeling to look back in time to a singular moment, one that feels insignificant in the future, but when you look back at it, it’s special. Since Cyrus passed in 2018, seeing footage of him running around and hanging out in the office where he kept my parents company for 5 years, was just a moment for me to process. Another was trying to look for any photos of videos of my dad working there, but he said he had none. Thinking how special it was that after 26 years, these are the photos and videos we got of him, on his last day. Another pause of appreciation for the technology to capture more moments than ever, my dad was big on that. He bought a big ass VHS camera in the 90s to make sure to get all of our childhood. Maybe that’s where I got it from. 

As he closed the door on the place I spent half of my life at that time; countless spring, summer, and winter break memories were made in the backroom. Walking around the block where everyone knew my dad and his coworker Ed. It felt like a community on 23rd & Clement. I guess looking back, it wasn’t only a moment for my father, but a moment for the whole family as well. Since retiring, their only focus was to take care of Cyrus. Sadly, when he passed away in 2018, their talks of travels once Cyrus were to eventually pass away, faded along with him. With Covid looming, and my father turning 75, the “retired life” the talked about seems to be left in the past.

This video is dedicated to not only my father & mother, and our dog Cyrus, but this is also dedicated to my dad’s co-worker, the late Ed Velez. My father met Ed in ’88 where Allstate told him and my dad to open an office together, which they opened in ’89, the same location in the video. Ed left Allstate after 18 years with my father. The last time I saw him was at my 16th birthday in 2006. He passed away in 2016. I never got to thank him for all he’s done for me those years as a child as he kept me company when my dad had work. Ed was a true older brother, uncle, godfather type figure. This is my way to honor him. Thanks Ed. 


Dear Nat,

