Wreck of Peter Iredale
Peter Iredale was a four-masted steel barque sailing vessel that was built in 1890 that set sale from Salina Cruz, Mexico around September 26t, 1906 and was bound at Portland, OR with a crew of 27. On the night of October 25th, the vessel entered the thick fog and wind of the Columbia River, eventually crashing ashore to where it lays now. After it came ashore, time eventually dug the boat deeper into the sand before they could get the vessel out, deeming the ship out of commission forever. The salvage of the ship happened in 1917, minus the bow and masts that are still visible today.
Now the “Wreck of Peter Iredale” is simply a tourist attraction that is a beautiful prop to use for photography when the lighting conditions are just right. We tried to get to the wreck by sunrise, but unfortunately the Oregon weather had other plans, and we had missed on the golden hour shot we were chasing.