People Project SF

In 2013, I found myself pretty lost in my life and my identity. I had just started my undergrad as a film major after taking 4 years off from school. Completely inspired by Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York, I had just gone on a mental health walk and spotted Priscilla and her husband sitting at the bench and mosaic steps on Kirkham St. in San Francisco. I thought of HONY (Humans of New York) and mustered up the courage to ask them for their photo and a short interview. I asked how they had met, she said, “Over Mahjong.” With a huge laughter that followed. I was inspired and wanted to learn more. So for the next two years, I would spend my days talking to over 200+ strangers in the San Francisco Bay Area and hearing their stories and life experiences. It has truly shaped how I interact with others and a great practice in active listening. Perhaps it was what truly moved me towards my current career. Thanks Brandon!

Check out the People Project Podcast

"What's one of the happiest moments of your life?"

"When I quit doing dope."

"I went through a recent breakup, and it was kind of a rough one, and we were living together. When we broke, my family didn't support me, and they thought I should marry this guy and settle; and because I moved to San Francisco, I'm the 'rebel, and the black sheep of the family'. I realized I have no interest in any of them, and I haven't talked to them since I've moved here a few months ago, but I feel I'm 10x more happy."

"I just got married a month ago. So that's in my opinion the most adventurous thing that I've done so far cause like there's no real way to really prepare for that because there's nothing really to compare it to. For me that's the best moment in my life, to finally make that moment, make her my wife."

"What's something you've learned or changed about yourself throughout the marriage process?"

"Not really a thought, well just thinking that, kind of the perspective that we're a team now. Like officially. So you always have someone that has your back, somebody who's there with you. Somebody to do life with. So that's kind of how we've treated each other thus far, you know, balancing each other out. Kind of helping each other's energy. It's a good feeling to know you have somebody, wholeheartedly, who has your back. That you guys are on this adventure together. It's pretty cool."

"Sometimes it's hard to be grateful in this day in age cause you know apps like Instagram, they make you fucking think that everyone's life is so fucking perfect & grand. Like 'Oh look at this car, how'd that guy get that car? Oh look at that girl, oh look at that ass, I wish my girlfriend had that ass.' It's like it kinda fucks you up you know, because it takes you out of the present, and puts you out in some other place that doesn't even exist.... It's a very selfish mentality with social media."

"What's something you'd want to improve about yourself?"

"Don't waste time. Stop wasting time. More like I say a lot of things like: 'Oh I wish I could make that' and it's like why don't I just make it. "Was there something you regret not going?" "Well right now I guess it's hard because you could make a lot of choices in your 20s. Starting certain paths. So just telling myself to stop talking about applying to things and just apply to them sorta deal. Which I can still do. But I should probably get started on it. (laughs)"

"A lot of people walk by me everyday, and many give me a look, but they don't say anything. Most just walk by without realizing I'm even here. That's okay. But what gets me is when you watch the news and you see there are house fires or someone lost their home; they're up there like: 'I lost everything, $4 million dollar home all gone.' It gets me because they never thought they could ever end up that way, these are the same people who walk by everyday as if we all weren't here. I'm here, and that's alright."




